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Great Gifts for Adventurers, Travelers, and Explorers

adventure gifts

It’s that time of the year again, summer is almost upon us, and more and more people will be getting outdoors and traveling

Whether it’s a last-minute trip to the beach, camping in the mountains, or just exploring America by bus, travelers love to find anything that makes their journeys more comfortable.

Sending Them Off In Style

Unfortunately, most people can be found in malls and stores hunting for souvenirs while they’re already on vacation. 

This listicle will show you a few of many great gifts that are perfect for adventurers who want to make their trip unforgettable without emptying their bank accounts!

A Bluetooth Headset

A Bluetooth headset is going to come in handy when you’re away from home or work, as well as being an easier alternative than holding your phone constantly since you’ll need two hands for other activities.

Headsets or earpieces also make it safer when driving in the car.

A Cooling Towel

Nothing bothers a traveler more than feeling uncomfortably hot, especially when outdoors and no A/C is available! 

A cooling towel can make their life much more comfortable in hot climates and will beat carrying around an ice pack, too.

These towels are often made of special fibers that absorb the sweat and rainwater from your body up to 10 times faster than normal, which then evaporates away from your body to cool you down. You can use these towels multiple times before washing them as well.

A Unique Blanket

The ultimate must-have for many travelers is something that reminds them of home, and a unique t-shirt blanket will do just that!

Simply log onto a service like and start designing your perfect blanket made out of t-shirts. This is the gift that is sure to bring a smile to any weary traveler’s face!

A Lightweight Travel Kit

The traveler on your list doesn’t want to be stuck searching for a public restroom when nature calls. They love finding a great scenic area but might not know where to find the perfect spot for an emergency bathroom. 

A portable travel kit is a perfect gift that includes all of its essentials packed into one lightweight, easy-to-carry bag!

You can get small, multi-purpose bags that offer items like toilet paper, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer. Bags like these are perfect for any adventurer’s preparation kit.

A Digital Camera

For any traveler who enjoys taking photos, a digital camera is a perfect gift! 

Selfies are particularly popular, but any type of photo will do. When purchasing a digital camera, it is best that you go with one that has higher megapixels and fast burst capabilities, as these will let you take more and bigger photos quickly.

GPS functions are also perfect for this gift since you can use them to track your location wherever you go. This lets the traveler keep track of their routes, so they know where to find the next great view if they get lost for a split second. 

GPS devices are very durable and can be expected to last for many years without any problems or issues.